Friday, December 2, 2011

Garden Diva Glissens in December...

Welcome December…Welcome beautiful fragrant greenery and welcome festive cheer!  I’m delighted that you’ve been able to take a few minutes for yourself, away from the last minute holiday hustle to sit and relax with me.  I hope that this article is accompanying a few peaceful moments with your cup of morning coffee or evening glass of wine.
I love this time of year.  I think I say that almost every month don’t I? *smile* In truth, I like every time of year for its unique reasons. Now, the nursery has quieted and been put to rest for winter, as have our gardens.  We now focus on the beauty of decorating for celebrations of family, faith and friends.  It feels like a lovely bridge between seasons for my home and me.  I truly enjoy adorning our home for the festive celebrations of the season; it gives me such a sense of peace & joy.  Yet, over the years I have learned how to decorate in a way that compliments the holidays but then gently flows into the winter season.  Long gone are my days of feeling the immediate need to remove my holiday decorations because they shout ‘holiday’ and feel out of place in January.  Through thoughtful consideration, I’ve chosen pieces that speak instead to pretty snow laden days and glimmery evenings that makes one feel warm and cozy.  I love that I don’t have to tuck away the awe of the white twinkle lights simply because the holidays have past.  Instead, I look forward to the longevity of the pleasure that I experience when the lights are strung through the winter.  Now, may I say…Although I am encouraging the festiveness of the lights past the traditional holiday season, I am guessing that you and I both have seen a few homes that shouldn’t subscribe to this fun train of thought.  I’ve been known to throw on my ‘Light Police’ hat while walking the dogs or driving from here to there thinking… ‘Oh no!’  I’m not quite encouraging that!  But I am saying, c’mon; let’s keep the winter as beautiful and bright as we can for as long as we can. 
Next on my decorating list are Winter Porch Pots and window boxes.  They are another ‘must have’ this time of year. Fresh greens (boxwood, pine, cedar, juniper, holly and fir) tucked into baskets, planters and containers offer the perfect welcoming compliment on a chilly winter’s day. I have been known, for the holiday season to have a little glitz in my porch pots on occasion, with punches of vibrant reds and golds. Yet as soon as the holidays have passed, I simply remove the bolder colors, leaving a fresh natural look to enjoy through the winter. Add a string of gentle twinkle lights and we’re in business!  
This year, I encourage you to be open to decorating in a way that allows you to extend the enjoyment for longer into the season.  Don’t take down all those lights!  Instead, enjoy the glimmer and twinkle of a winter evening for the long haul.  Enjoy the holidays and Happy New Year to you, fellow reader. I’ll look forward to seeing you again in 2012!
.... Frances Grossman